Norton Save And Restore Restoration Point On USB HDD Not Available

Norton Save And Restore is a retail package software applicaton that includes Disk Imaging technology. It differs from Norton Ghost corporate edition, but includes the old retail Norton Ghost 10. It allows a GUI backup to a selected location – in this case a USB hard drive.

Sometimes, an issue arises where during a recovery, and booting off the recovery CD, the backup restore point on a USB HDD is not seen by the program. Using the Browse For Recovery point shows no available points and the user cannot browse to the USB hard drive.

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Using Monolingual To Reclaim Disk Space On MAC OSX

Monolingual is a freeware application that deletes all the extra languages on your Mac, in an attempt to free up disk space. By removing all the files kept by unused languages, substantial space can be freed up. For instance, you would have to be a tremendous Star Trek geek to even think of using the Klingon language on the Mac, but a default install includes it.

Other options, such as keyboard layouts, can also safely be removed. The ability to remove Architectures is available. This is an option to select only if you are sure you want to remove them, backwards compatibility can be affected. Continue reading “Using Monolingual To Reclaim Disk Space On MAC OSX”

Using the DSQUERY utility to print a system generated list of Active Directory users

DSQUERY is a command line tool that comes with Windows 2003 server. This utility can be run locally or copied off to a domain joined XP workstation for use. To generate a list of users from Active Directory, navigate to the utility’s directory via command prompt.

Use the folowing example to dump a list of all accounts to a .txt file named netusers at the root of the C drive.

dsquery user -o rdn -limit 500 >C:\netusers.txt Continue reading “Using the DSQUERY utility to print a system generated list of Active Directory users”

Diskpart.exe Windows Disk Command Line Tool

The diskpart command starts diskpart.exe, a command line interface to disk partitoning tools. The tool allows creating, reparing and breaking a mirror, marking a partiton active, assigning drive letters, volume control including create and extending, deleting an object and gathering information.

‘diskpart list’ as a command will display a list of objects. ‘diskpart rescan’ will rescan for disks and objects. The ‘select’ command allows the utility to explicitly set the focus on a target – commands are then aimed at the active target. The ‘detail’ command provides details for disks, partitions or volumes.

Continue reading “Diskpart.exe Windows Disk Command Line Tool”

Common Services And Ports Used

DNS Domain Name System 53
POP3 Post Office Protocol 110
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol 25
SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol 160,161
NNTP Network News Transfer Protocol 119
FTP File Transfer Protocol 20,21
SSL Secure Sockets Layer 443
TACACS authentication 49
NetBIOS 137,138,139
IMAP 143
LDAP 389
SSH Secure Shell 22
AH, ESP ports 50 and 51
BOOTP server 67 UDP
BOOTP Client 68 UDP
NTP 123
BGP 179
MSSQL 1433
RDP 3389
VNC 5500


coconutBattery is an application that monitors the status of a Mac battery. The latest version, 2.5.1, is compatible with the MacBook and Macbook Pro. This freeware app can tell what the current charge of the battery is, what the current capacity is and the original capacity was. It can also detect the model of MacBook it is running on, how old the computer is and how many load cycles the battery has undergone. The program can save battery information for long term analysis as well.

coconutBattery can be downloaded from the author’s site at The author accepts donations via paypal, please support this program

Cisco VPN Client on Windows Server 2003

When using the Cisco VPN client on windows Server 2003, users may experience inability to create a tunnel. This is caused by the Windows IPSec implementation stepping on the Cisco client’s connection. Fortunately, getting the Cisco VPN client up and running on Win2K3 requires only a small bit of tweaking. First, get version 4.8.1 of the client from your source, be it Cisco or your VPN host who should legally be able to distribute it.

Continue reading “Cisco VPN Client on Windows Server 2003”

CDIA+ CompTIA Document Imaging Exam Notes

CompTIA CDIA+ Exam: 225-030
85 questions
Conventional, linear format.
90 minutes alloted time.
Passing Score: 700 out of 900 possible.

Goals define activities
Activities define documents and data
Documents and data define technology requirements

A process metric is an indicator of the process, ex: how many, how fast. Metrics are taken before, during and after an implementation.

Continue reading “CDIA+ CompTIA Document Imaging Exam Notes”

Mac OS X Volume Formats

Mac OS Extended – Default for Mac OS X, journaling enabled file system. This is also the recommended format for new installs. Also called HFS Plus. The Journaling feature in Mac OS Extended was first introduced in Mac OS X Server 10.2.2

Mac OS Standard (aka HFS -Hierarchical File System) – Older standard that is not very popular, and inefficient when compared to Extended. OS X can read a HFS volume but the OS cannot be installed on one.

UFS UNIX File System -Supported in OSX, and may be of use to UNIX developers. Only use this if there is a specific reason for it. Apple notes that AirPort does not function when OS X is on a UFS volume.

FAT -Windows compatible file system– allows files created to be used in both Mac OS X and Windows. Not supported for boot volumes.

Mac OS X Extended’s journaling feature creates a continuous record of changes to the file system in an attempt to have a restore record available in the case of a fault or loss of power. This feature is recommended for server and critical data protection, as it may incur a performace hit to the machine. It can be turned on or off using Disk Utility. You can also check the current volume format type using Disk Utility, along with a view of overall capacity and free space.

Category 5, 5e, 6 Cable Pinout


1 White-Green
2 Green
3 White-Orange
4 Blue
5 White-Blue
6 Orange
7 White-Brown
8 Brown

1 White-Orange
2 Orange
3 White-Green
4 Blue
5 White-Blue
6 Green
7 White-Brown
8 Brown

Crossover Cable
1 White-Orange 1 White-Green
2 Orange 2 Green
3 White-Green 3 White-Orange
4 Blue 4 Blue
5 White-Blue 5 White-Blue
6 Green 6 Orange
7 White-Brown 7 White-Brown
8 Brown 8 Brown

Gigabit Crossover- Uses 4 pairs for transmission, double cross
1 White-Orange 1 White-Green
2 Orange 2 Green
3 White-Green 3 White-Orange
4 Blue 4 White-Brown
5 White-Blue 5 Brown
6 Green 6 Orange
7 White-Brown 7 Blue
8 Brown 8 White-Blue