Vertical TeleVantage includes a client for browsing archived call recordings. This tool is installed via the “custom” option of the client setup utility. Once installed, a user who has been granted permissions to browse and search a particular archive may do so, if a user has permissions for multiple archives, they can choose from a drop down of archives to select from.
Archived recordings are culled from mailboxes and saved on a schedule set from the TeleVantage Administrator utility. These scheduled events specify when and how often the calls will be archived. These recordings are then stored on the archive server, which is most likely a separate computer that runs the Vertical TeleVantage Archiving Service.
Once the client starts the Archived Recording Browser, they are presented with a search dialog box. This interface allows choosing which items to search for, and also allows saving parameters as a named search.
Some available search fields include: Continue reading “Vertical TeleVantage Archived Recording Browser”