Stuck in Ghost Virtual Boot Partition

Getting stuck in the ghost virtual boot partition is not an uncommon event. The client boots into DOS to do some work, fails, and the client does not boot back into windows- it just sits there looking stupid.
Try Ctrl-x, give it a minute

Didn’t work?
Try Ctrl-C, give it a minute.

This should do the trick. If it doesn’t, the Symantec knolwedgebase also offers this advice:
Change to the Ghost directory.
Type cd Ghost
Type ngctdos -hide
This command hides the Ghost Boot Partition, makes the Windows partition active, and restarts the computer.

If this doesn’t work, Syamntec also has this advice:
Follow these steps to clean boot into MS-DOS or PC-DOS:

Restart the computer.
When you see the message “Starting MS-DOS” or “Starting PC-DOS” on the screen, press F8.
At this point, MS-DOS or PC-DOS will step through the Config.sys and Autoexec.bat files line-by-line, prompting you to press Y or N to confirm loading this driver/parameter into memory. Confirm (press Y) only for the following lines:

From Config.sys:

From Autoexec.bat:
set temp=c:\temp

At this point you can use the command prompt.
Type cd ghost
This changes to the Ghost directory.
Type ngctdos -hide
This command hides the Ghost Boot Partition, makes the Windows partition active, and restarts the computer.

If the previous steps do not solve the problem, then use GDisk to manually make the same changes as the previous commands.

Use GDisk to configure the computer to restart into Windows.
Type Gdisk 1
This command displays status information regarding the partitions. Examine the information to determine the partition number of the virtual partition. Delete the virtual partition. Type Gdisk 1 /del /p:y where y is the partition number of the virtual partition.
Activate the primary partition.
Type Gdisk 1 /act /p:x where x is the partition number of the Windows partition.
If GDISK cannot see the hard drive and the client hangs at “Loading PC-DOS”, boot to a floppy and mount the C: drive. Change to the GHOST directory and run NGCTDOS.EXE -HIDE.
Restart the computer.